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Friday, Dec 9

Review for Final Exam!  Your final exam is TUESDAY.

Thursday, Dec 8

1. Turn in your notebook #1-#5.

2.  Fill out this viewing guide to review Economic Choices as we watch "The Pursuit of Happyness!"

Wednesday, Dec 7

Class Starter:  Watch this wackadoo video about what can happen to a free market heavily controlled in a command economic system, like China.

1. Review and correct your Everfi test.

2. Go on a field trip!

Tuesday, Dec 6

Class Starter:  Why are so many people against globalization of trade? Discuss the pros and cons.

1. Finish handout #4, complete the last two concepts in your note-taking on Globalization and Competition. Use this Powerpoint and your brain to find the answers you need and the visual learning links below... 

VISUAL LEARNING: Globalization: Good or bad? and Protectionism: Why do countries restrict trade?

2. Watch "Is Wal-Mart Good for America?" enough to answer the the viewing guide. (#5) 

3. Go over last test on Everfi.

Monday, Dec 5: Here is your final exam study review packet. Study a couple pages each day.

Class Starter: Read and answer questions about Lemonade Itch.  Why does government regulate and protect us through businesses?  Turn in for a grade.

1. Watch this segment from 60 Minutes about "Drive by Lawsuits".   Fill in the positive/negative chart on your Government Regulation and Trade notes sheet (#4).  Add to this list with other things you've learned in history and government that fit as a pro or con.

2. Using handout #4, complete with note-taking on Globalization and Competition. Use this Powerpoint and your brain to find the answers you need and the visual learning links below... 


  • Monopolies and competition...watch this video about what happens when a glasses frame company monopoly controls the market! 

Friday, Dec 2

1.  Take test (22 questions) over your Everfi modules.  Test will be worth 44 pts.  Any notes you took during Everfi can be used on the test.

2. Tax Day! Using this reading on taxes, fill in this chart found on page 1(#3). summarize the type and purpose of all taxes found in this Powerpoint.

Thursday, Dec 1: Meet in 2206

1. Check your grades in Powerschools and complete any "late" work I will accept by Monday.  I will NOT take any late work after Monday.  No exceptions unless you are in the hospital.

2. Finish your everfi Modules, Taxes and Insurance AND Investing.  I will be checking these end of day tomorrow.  Be finished by Dec 2 at 2:30PM

HOMEWORK FOR TOMORROW:  Bring a print copy or photo on your phone of either a) grocery bill b) gas station receipt c) shopping mall receipt

Wednesday, Nov 30

1. Spend 10 minutes getting ready and then each group will PRESENT!

2.  You will have a quiz over these indicators when done in which you can use anything you filled out on your notes sheet to help you.

Tuesday, Nov 29

Work on Economic Indicator Projects with your group.  Be ready tomorrow to present.

Monday, Nov 28

Begin Econ Unit 3: Macroeconomics.   There will be a group project component to this unit.

Class Starter: Watch this video "History of the American Economy" and answer the following questions on the class starter.

1. Now that you understand one of the ways we understand our American economy, you will need to break into small groups and begin working on research to understand your assigned Economic Indicator and figure out how you want to present this to the class this week.

2.  Begin your research and dividing of roles with your team.  Get people's phone numbers...you know how ya'll LOVE to be absent!

Monday and Tuesday, Nov 21/22 (meet in 2206)

Using headphones, you will need to login to www.everfi.com with the id and password you setup last Friday.   We will not have time to do all the modules, however, if you CHOOSE to do all the modules by Dec 15th, which will certify you with Everfi, here are the benefits: One free extra "Everfi Certification" grade of 80 pts!  This is "all or nothing".  For the extra credit, you must complete them all and print your certification document.

REQUIRED MODULES:  You will need to finish the following modules to receive credit by the due dates listed.  These are "all or nothing" grades.  If you don't finish the module by the due date, it will not count for the full points.   You WILL have to find a computer and complete these on your own if you waste time in class.  We will only have 3 days total in the lab to work on these (today and tomorrow and Dec 1st)

Each module has a 5 question "pre-test", several short videos you must listen to and learn.  BE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR LEARNING.  This is 'real life' information.  Don't be a dummy and shortcut the experience! 

TAKE NOTES IN YOUR SPIRAL!  Not to mention you'll have a test Dec 5th that will include most of this information, and any notes you take you can use on that test. (remember, summary notes are found by clicking in the bottom right corner of each module on the "paper" icon.

Each of these modules is worth 35 pts for a total of a 175 pt project.  Each day late loses 5 pts.

  • Savings   Due end of day Friday, Nov 25
  • Banking    Due end of day Friday, Nov 25
  • Payment Types, Interest Rates and Credit Cards  Due end of day Friday, Nov 25
  • Taxes and Insurance  Due end of day Dec 2
  • Investing  Due end of day Dec 2

Friday, Nov 18: Meet in room 2206

Class Starter:  Read the "Power of Plastic"(#2) and discuss your answers to the questions you need to do on page 2.

1.  Using computers play California Reality Check!  When you are done making all your choices, write on your own paper the answer to this prompt: How much money would you need to make each year to live your lifestyle and what did you learn about spending in this "game"?

Thursday, Nov 17

1. Kahoot and then take test over Unit 1: Economic Choices.

2. Setup accounts for Everfi Personal Finance.   You will need computers to complete these tasks.

Wednesday, Nov 16: Test review day

Class Starter:  Review 4 Factors of Production for Javier Jose's new business! 

1.  S&D Making sense of it all!  Start today, end tomorrow, showing how all your Supply and Demand info comes together by completing handout #8...Gasoline supply and demand.

2. Review Cost Benefit Decision Making on this chart.  Make sure you are labeling trade-offs, opportunity costs, and incentives to make the right study choice!

3.  Go over law test in class to review past mistakes and play Kahoot review for Unit 1: Economic Choices test.

Tuesday, Nov 15

Class Starter: Take the Show Me What You Know Quiz  over Law of Supply.  You can use notes.

1.  Watch this current event on the Ivanka Trump boycott, and then Draw on scratch paper, the demand curve for Ivanka goods both before and after the campaign for President (D1, D2).  Then watch this commercial and draw supply curves S1 and S2 before and after the World Series.

2. Work along on this handout about supply and demand shifts, to show understanding of market shifts on the supply and demand curve.  Will be #7 in your portfolio.

3. Finish up notes on Supply and Demand Market Equilibrium on the last page of your Supply and Demand notes packet.   You will need to use the remaining powerpoint slides(34 - 50 to get this info).

Monday, Nov 14th

Turn in OPTIONAL homework on the Housing Bubble 

Class Starter: Take the Show Me What You Know Quiz  over Law of Supply.

1. Finally!  Learn about how Supply and Demand work together! This powerpoint slides 24-35 will help you complete the blanks on the final page of your Supply and Demand notes packet of the notes packet .  TEST ON ALL THIS ON MONDAY!  You can use the packet!

2. Review for test in remaining time today.


Thursday, Nov 10

Class Starter: Take quiz over Law of Demand.

1. 2. Today... learn about the Law of Supply!  Use your Supply and Demand notes packet and complete page 3-4 of the notes packet.  This powerpoint slides 18-24 will help you complete the blanks.  Yup, quiz on this tomorrow!

2.  Go over Law test and look at most missed questions.   Study island remediation is an option!

Thursday, Nov 10

Class Starter Review: On scratch paper, jot down examples from this movie clip of the 4 Factors of Production used in the hulu hoop! Make sure you spot the correct entrepreneur!  Also, explain how the money from the sale of the hula hoops will flow through the economic sectors you learned about yesterday.  Turn in this sheet when you are finished.

1. Begin discuss the Law of Supply and Demand

2. Today... learn about the Law of Demand!  You will be given a Supply and Demand notes packet you CAN use on the test.   Today, complete page 1 and 2 of the notes packet.  This powerpoint slides 1-17 will help you complete the blanks.

3. Watch this clip about price gouging...what do you think?  Should increased demand allow price gouging?

Wednesday, Nov 9: Ms. Thrower's Birthday AND National Day of Mourning for President Trump

Tuesday, Nov 8: ELECTION DAY, shortened classes

Class Starter: Go over your cost/benefit chart (#4)...did anyone change their decision making from irrational to rational?

1. Discuss the Circular Flow of Economic Activity in the economy.  For notes on this, you will need to complete the handout (#5) from my lecture, and then on the back, draw your own simple model of how money moves through the 5 sectors.   The simple version was broken down in class, but if you need a refresher, watch this video and ignore all the MATH!

2. Using this Prezi on the Factors of Production of Goods and Services, fill in notes on handout (#6).   

OPTIONAL HOMEWORK DUE THURSDAY:  Read about the 2008 Housing Bubble and answer the questions for up to 15pts extra.

Monday, Nov 7

Class Starter: Finish this sample Cost Worksheet (#3) to show understanding of costs and revenue.

1. In your notes, define and understand marginal costs and benefits, diminishing benefits and discuss the purpose of a cost/benefit analysis and rational economic decision making.   This info comes from the Civics Today book from pg 508-509. 

2.  Review the concepts of Economic Decision Making and begin Cost/Benefit Analysis.  Make sure to review all parts the Prezi, including the new information up through Chris Gardner's story. 

3. HOMEWORK:  Now YOU figure out where your values lie and by completing your own cost/benefit chart (#4) for a small decision in your life.   If you missed class, watch this video to teach yourself how this work.  Do NOT use the same example he does.  Think of your own.

Friday, Nov 4

Class Starter: Get Unit 1: Economic Choices Syllabus and review what you've already learned.

1. Finish filling out your handout on Making Economic Choices (#2) by watching the segment on Opportunity Costs (watch all 4 parts).

2.  Use this Prezi on Costs and Revenue to take notes on the concepts.  

Thursday, Nov 3

Class Starter: Review terms from yesterday's textbook reading.  Make sure you have defined them in your notes.  Make sure you read on your own at least up to 501.

1.  Make sure you understand the 3 basic questions in economics.   This Prezi will help you review.  Write your own examples of 3 questions and turn in to the box.

2.  Using this handout (#2) and clips from "Freakonomics", learn about the basic concepts of economics by answering the questions.   Plan on a quiz on all these concepts TOMORROW! Here's a good Prezi to review the "decision making" concepts.

Wednesday, Nov 2

1. Take test over Unit 5.

2. Turn in the Unit portfolio.  

3.  When finished, get a Civics Today textbook and read pages 499 to 502.  In your spiral summarize definition and importance of ALL highlighted terms. Also, copy the graphic on page 501 into your notes. 

Tuesday, Nov 1st

1. Finish West of Memphis.   Finishing this viewing guide (#8)and turn in when done. 

ACCELERATION:  Prepare for PORTFOLIO DUE and TEST OVER  Unit 5 Syllabus: Purpose of National, State and Local Laws.(#1) TOMORROW!

Monday, Oct 31st: BOO!

1. Begin watching "West of Memphis".   Fill out this viewing guide (#8)as you go. 

2. Get portfolio contents and start studying for the test!


The Best Lawyer Ever will be your guest speaker...talking about voter suppression and importance of voting!

Friday, Oct 28th

1. Using this powerpoint about the juvenile justice system, and take summary notes in your spiral. 

2. Watch this segment about convicted killer, Brendan Dassey.  Jot down things you recognize that might have coerced this confession.   Then watch this segment of the Central Park Five confessions. 

3. Write your own quick write essay to this prompt: "If these boys really were not involved in this murder, why did they confess to this crime?"  Use a form of the verb "to coerce" in your answer and include details from the videos to support your answer and make sure to use examples from the videos proving your opinion.

4.  Finally, what is life like inside juvenile detention centers?  Something positive!!

Thursday, Oct 27th

Class Starter:  Turn in your Homework from last Friday.  Discuss your answers and solutions.

1. Watch this episode of Beyond Scared Straight and answer the questions on the viewing guide (#7).

Wednesday, Oct 26th

Turn in your homework assignment from Monday.

1. Finish movie Erin Brockovich and turn in the viewing guide (#8). If you are absent one or two days, your alternate assignment (you are still responsible for bolded terms on the viewing guide) is to research Erin Brockovich using this site and others and write a 1-2 page typed paper describing why she is so famous.   You still need to copy the viewing guide from someone to have in your notebook, but you ALSO must turn this paper in by this Friday for full credit.

HOMEWORK: Read this story and then answer the prompt that follows on your own paper.  Due THURSDAY.

Tuesday, Oct 25th

1. Begin movie Erin Brockovich and start the viewing guide (#8).  If you are absent one or two days, your alternate assignment (you are still responsible for bolded terms on the viewing guide) is to research Erin Brockovich using this site and others and write a 1-2 page typed paper describing why she is so famous.   You still need to copy the viewing guide from someone to have in your notebook, but you ALSO must turn this paper in by this Friday for full credit.

Monday, Oct 24th

1. Using this Prezi detailing the steps in civil court proceedings (second half of slide show), take detailed notes in your spiral.

2. Watch this episode of Judge Judy and answer the questions on the viewing guide (#6).

HOMEWORK: DUE WEDNESDAY.  Create your own storyboard of a civil lawsuit on your own paper. Read the directions on this handout, and make sure to include the required about of terms in the right order.

Friday, Oct 21

1.  Present your Fictional Crime to the class.

2. Watch part of the Amanda Knox story...did she or didn't she?

Thursday, Oct 20th

1. Watch "13th" on Netflix about the history and current state of our criminal justice system for African Americans.   Fill out this viewing guide (#5) and turn in for a grade. 

If you are absent, you will need to research and write a 2 page typed paper (due by this Monday) that includes YOUR findings on all the bolded terms that are found on the "13th" Viewing Guide.  Understand!...if absent you DO NOT turn in the guide itself.  You turn in a 2 page typed paper that explains all the terms on the guide that are in bold BY MONDAY.

Wednesday, Oct 19th

1. Get into your small groups and create a poster on paper provided detailing an imaginary criminal offense.  Write all the steps we discussed yesterday in the notes in the correct order and using the right vocab terms, making sure your "story" flows correctly. 

Tuesday, Oct 18th

1.  Analyze this chart about Law Enforcement agencies (#3) and complete these questions (#4) with what you've learned. 

VISUAL LEARNING:   Watch some EXAMPLES of various law enforcement agencies and their jobs in action:  Secret Service!  Sherriff's office!  ICE! Police!

2.  Using this Prezi detailing the steps in civil and criminal court proceedings, take detailed spiral notes on ONLY THE CRIMINAL STEPS, including definitions you will understand of key terms!

3.  Work in pairs to read and complete the steps under The Case of Buggsy Jones and the Gas Em Up.  Follow all instructions and steps in the handout.  

Monday, Oct 17th

1. Turn in your homework on the Types of Law handout (#1).

2. Take notes on protections provided to the accused in our Constitution.  If you are absent, use my Talking Point notes to transfer your summaries to your spiral.

3. Read on phones or Ipads about the current Supreme Court case of Buck vs. Davis.  Discuss with a partner, how YOU would rule on this case.   Using the protections you took notes on in Step 2 above, write your ruling and opinion and present to class.   Your argument must reference at least TWO of the protections.

Friday, Oct 14th

Class Starter: Watch this news segment about the Deep water Horizon disaster and answer this prompt.  "What laws should the government make before, during, and after this accident to protect the public?" Turn in your answer for a grade.

1. Take notes over Types of Law Prezi  in your spiral notebook. 

2.  HOMEWORK: complete this set of examples on this handout, which is found on the back of your new unit syllabus. 

Thursday, Oct 13th

Class Starter: Analyze these poll results.  Discuss things that surprise you about it.  Do you agree or disagree?

1. Get Unit 5 Syllabus: Purpose of National, State and Local Laws.(#1)

2. Using the Civics Today textbook, read pages 427-429 and take notes over what is law, purpose of laws, what makes a good law, and define all the past types of laws that influence us today.

3.  Watch this segment from 60 Minutes about the Pioneer Hotel fire in Arizona.   As handout #2, use a Lesson Closure to write about key ideas of how the justice system handled this case.  The title and topic of this lesson closure is Pioneer Hotel Fire.

Wednesday, Oct 12th

Class Starter: Watch this segment about Maine's governor and finish this prompt on scratch paper provided.  How was this Republican able to get elected in a state made up of majority Democrats?

1. Finish PBS "The Choice 2016" to learn more about both these candidates.  Fill out this viewing guide and turn in for a grade.

2. Go over mid term test, Unit 4.

Tuesday, Oct 11th

Class Starter: What's happened in the election over the break?  What do you know?  Look at the current 538 forecast.

1. Watch first 45 minutes of PBS "The Choice 2016" to learn more about both these candidates.  Fill out this viewing guide and keep to finish tomorrow.

Friday, Sept 23

1. Kahoot review.

2. Take mid term exam....which is actually your Unit 4: Politics, Elections and Citizenship test.

Thursday, Sept 22nd

Class Starter: Who is dumb enough to believe propaganda....lots of people!

1.  Using the Civics textbooks, complete page 1 of notes of  this handout (#8) independently.

2.  Then using page 2 of that same handout,  watch various commercials and spot as many propaganda types as you can.   Be specific about supporting your answers.  Use this website to watch 4 commercials...and also, google at least one current Trump and Clinton ad!  These will fill in all the 6 squares on the handout.

Wednesday, Sept 21st

Class Starter: Go to this website about Grassroots Campaigning.  Read and scroll. On scratch paper, A) write down 5 specific actions YOU can perform to help in elections this year.  B) After writing down 5 specific actions, use this knowledge to write a definition of the term "grassroots campaigning".

OPTIONAL 10 POINTS!  Email me a current political ad on youtube for ANY office that is up for election in November.  Send to lthrower@wcpss.net before start of class tomorrow.

1.  Watch grassroots campaigning with "Street Fight" and Cory Booker!.  Fill in this viewing guide (#9)  as you watch.  If you are absent today, your alternate assignment is to write me a one paper essay answering this prompt: What is grassroots campaigning and how is it effective in getting people elected?   You WILL have to research online to teach yourself these concepts.

2.  Get notebook cover sheet to prepare and turn in your portfolio tomorrow.

Tuesday, Sept 20th

1. Using the Roots and Reform book, and this Vocabulary handout (#6), complete with a partner.  Discuss answers when finished.

2. Using the political cartoon and text provided page 1 only, (#7) , complete 2 of the Critical Thinking questions below and turn in. (your choice which 2)

3. Critical Thinking Exit Ticket: Answer Essential Question Part II, C from your Unit 4: Politics, Elections and Citizenship Syllabus.  Turn in when complete.

Monday, Sept 19th

Class Starter: Can you figure out why more Democrats voted for this Violence Against Women law that (#5) helps to prevent violence again women than Republicans did?  Using the example, write an explanation that explains the ideologies make someone for or against this law.

1. Using lecture and Roots and Reform textbook, complete these guided notes.(#4)

2.  In pairs, get a part of the platform of either the Democrat or Republican party.  Can you guess which party would have this idea in their platform?  Explain why.

Friday, Sept 16th

Class Starter:  How can YOU get involved in your community?  What civic issues are near and dear to YOUR heart?

1. Guest Speaker from Saving Our Sons!  Miss Kim!!

Thursday, Sept 15th

Class Starter: Using Ipads, take the political ideology quiz....I side with?  Discuss your answers with the class.

1.  Use handout (#3) about Political Ideologies to fill out the spectrum and political party information, study the various ideologies and then label some political parties where they might fall on the spectrum.  If you miss class, get these notes from a reliable classmate! 

2. Using lecture and Roots and Reform textbook, complete these guided notes.(#4)

Wednesday, Sept 14th

Class Starter: Fill out a voter registration form exactly as you would in "real life".  Did you earn your franchise?

1.   Take notes over Active Citizenship from this Powerpoint. 

2. Watch this segment about Meb Keflezighi, immigrant to America.  Discuss as a class, viewpoints about immigrants, legal and illegal, that come to our country.

3.  Get in small groups and each group will read various viewpoints about immigrants in our country.  Answer your questions and then share out to other groups.

Tuesday, Sept 13

Begin Unit 4: Politics, Elections and Citizenship.(#1)

2.  Read the except from the textbook on this handout (back of #1) and answer the questions that follow. 

3.  Using Ipads, research the basics of the Naturalization Process from the Citizenship and Immigration website and complete this scavenger hunt. (#2)

4.  Get in partner groups, using paper copies of the Naturalization Test for new citizens, write down as many answers as you can in 10 minutes timed.  Use only your brain...could YOU become a citizen?

Monday, Sept 12th

Oral and visual presentations over your Supreme Court cases!  As your students teach you, fill out this packet.   You will have a 20 pt quiz tomorrow over these cases, using the packet.  Packet will also be turned in for a grade.

Friday, Sept 9

Work on your poster and presentation project with your partner!  Doughnuts!!

Thursday, Sept 8

1. Kahoot review and then take test over Judicial Branch. 

2.  When finished, turn in your notebook pages and then read this handout about the Citizens United Supreme Court case and answer the questions that follow.  Due tomorrow for full credit if you don't finish today. 

Tomorrow: Bring materials to class to work on your partner projects.   Doughnuts will be provided while you work!

Wednesday, Sept 7

1.  You be the judge!  Watch this current event journalist investigation on the Right to Die.   On your handout (#6) "Opinion/Proof", write down at least 2 "yes" and 2 "no" opinions...Should Right to Die laws be found constitutional?  Make sure in the proof column to support your opinions with evidence!

2. After the video , discuss your opinions.   Then in a quick write, write either a "majority" or "dissenting" opinion concurring with the Imaginary Supreme Court that has just ruled these laws CONSTITUTIONAL.  Remember to cite something in the Constitution that can support your opinion.   Turn your written opinion in for a grade.

3. Wrap up your Supreme Court case packet and make sure you have a full understanding of all the cases, the questions put to the court and the parts of the Constitution that was used to justify the final rulings. 

Tuesday, Sept 6: Last Project Day in 2202

1.  Make sure to read all steps of the instructions for project day.   You will have this Friday to work in the classroom, finishing your posters and discussing how you will present.    Presentations will start this coming Monday.    Be ready!

2.  Supreme Court Multiple Choice test, including concepts found on Part 3, page 3 of the Syllabus: Judicial Branch and your Supreme Court case packet will be on the test this THURSDAY.  Always be studying!

Friday, Sept 2

1. Begin your Supreme Court presentations.  You need to read everything on the website and then work with a partner on this and Be ready to present to the class starting on Monday, September 12th. 

Thursday, Sept 1st: Meet in 2202

1. Powerschools check!  Show me you have logged in and can check your grade for this class (raise your hand when you have it up on the screen).   I'll give you 10 OPTIONAL points!  If you need a password reset, let me know.

2.  Complete your Supreme Court Cases packet using research the Oyez website.  Have all info filled out IN YOUR WORDS, not the website's.  Ask questions if you get stuck on any cases.   You should complete the entire packet today.  

3. When finished, turn in your packet, then you can draw a court case for your partner project presentations.

Your test over the Judicial Branch (including court cases will be Friday, September 9th.)

Wednesday, Aug 31

Class Starter: Pick up your Supreme Court Guided Notes Packet and fill in details for Texas vs. Johnson (1989) and Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier (1988) from the knowledge your gained in Class Starters over the past few weeks.

1. YOU RESEARCH Jigsaw!  You will be getting in small groups, researching 2 cases, and then sharing out with others in your group.   Be able to explain the facts of the case, the questions, etc.  Using Ipads, look up your assigned case off the Oyez website.  (search the case name in the top right pane, then click on results...scroll down for simplified facts and ruling.)  By end of today, you will have all court cases up through page 3 of the packet complete.

Tuesday, Aug 30th

Class Starter:  What do you think about burning an American flag?  Should this right be protected under the Constitution? If so, what part of the Constitution?  Watch this video, then be able to name the case, explain what happened, the question taken to the court and the ruling.

1.  Discuss the different between strict and loose interpretation (#5) of the Constitution.  Turn in your answers when finished.  Was Texas v Johnson loose or strict?

2.  Begin taking notes on the required court cases found (see video links below).  You must understand: a) name of case b) question before the court c) opinion and result of ruling.   Use this guided notes packet to keep your summaries short and sweet.  You CAN use this on any tests we have over the Judicial Branch. 

VISUAL LEARNING ENHANCEMENTS: McCulloch v. Maryland, Gibbons vs Odgen, Plessy v Ferguson, Swann v. Charlotte Mecklenburg Board of Ed, Korematsu v. US

Monday, Aug 29th

Class Starter:  Watch this video What is the Supreme Court?  On scratch paper, answer these questions:  how long do justices serve? how many SC justices are there? cases come to the SC from ___________ courts. 

1.  Finish notes over slides 24-30 in the Judicial Branch powerpoint

2. Using the Roots and Reform textbooks, work with a partner to complete this Modern Judicial Branch Scavenger Hunt.(#4) 

3. Watch some segments from the testimony of Anita Hill during Senate confirmation hearings for Clarence Thomas.

Friday, Aug 26

Class Starter:  Using this political cartoon, complete the prompt:  "I think what the artist is trying to say about the Supreme Court is.."

1.  Take notes over slides 12-23 in the Judicial Branch powerpoint

2.  Current Event Friday:  Watch cnnstudentnews.com for today.  Candy trivia!  Then, watch these two segments about ways Donald Trump could become a hero.  Jot down at least 2 of the "flaws" in our political system he has exposed, according to the comedian.  Part 1, then Part 2.

Thursday, Aug 25

Class Starter: Discuss yesterday's homework,  Violations of the US Constitution (#2).  Then watch this video of the Bethel School District vs. Frazer case...discuss what rights are being protected/violated?  What Amendments back up your argument?

1.  Take notes over slides 1-11 from this Judicial Branch Powerpoint.  To enhance your understanding,  watch this video on Role of the CourtsDiscuss: what you think is meant by the Alexander Hamilton quote at the start of the video?  

2.   Work to define and study page 1 of this handout on court jurisdiction. (#3)  Then, on page 2, fill out answers to the scenarios, saying what type of jurisdiction each case might have.

Wednesday, Aug 24

1.  Kahoot review and turn in portfolio.

2.  Take Unit 2 Test over Legislative and Executive Branches.  To study, you need to review everything in Part IV and Part V. of the  Unit 2: Syllabus.

3.  When finished, work on this Violations of the US Constitution handout (#2 in new portfolio).  What you can't finish is homework due tomorrow.  You can use your flashcards, or the constitution found in a book or this summary link of Amendments and Articles to complete.

Monday and Tuesday, Aug 22/23

1. Using the "Roots and Reform" textbook, quickly work to complete this President's Trivia handout.

2. Watch the movie "The American President" and complete the viewing guide.   If you miss both days, you must type or write a paper that answers both of the following Essential Questions: A and B...if you miss one day, choose either A or B and turn in.   Due Friday.

A) In what ways does the legislative and executive branch "check and balance" the power of each other.  Give at least 4 examples for each of the branches. 

B) Explain how lobbyists both help and hurt the passing of legislation. 

Friday, Aug 19th: Meet in 503

1.  Create a postermywall advertising for a movie about the next President of the United States!.  Full instructions found here on this Webquest.  Make sure to follow the exact instructions for submitting your movie poster!

2.  Get your cover sheet for your notebook due Wednesday, by clicking here.

Thursday, Aug 18th

Class Starter: On scratch paper, write your own definition of a Presidential Cabinet as you watch this video rap!

1.  Using the ipads/Iphones and this website of current Cabinet positions (scroll down to see Cabinet positions), complete this activity with a partner..President's Cabinet.   Discuss your answers as a class.

2. Watch this exclusive video "Inside the White House: The Cabinet".  Discuss things your find interesting or surprising.

3. Take notes using this Prezi over the purpose of these Executive Branch Agencies. (#8)

Wednesday, Aug 17th

Class Starter:  Analyze a political cartoon to think about what it is saying about the power of the current President.  What is this cartoon trying to say about Obama?

1. Use this Prezi over the federal level of the executive branch to understand the 7 powers of the President.   Fill in details on each role in this graphic organizer (#7) 

2. Complete the "Hail to You, Chief" activity,  using what you just learned about the 7 roles.  Write out the entire role so you'll start to recognize each role by name.

Tuesday, Aug 16th

Class Starter: List some wasteful spending on the part of Congress as you watch this video about pork. 

1. Get homework back over pork, lobbyists and riders and discuss any questions you might have.  Make sure you've put correct definitions in your spiral notes. 

2. In spiral, take notes over "Crazy Congressional Vocab".   You'll need to define all the terms found under IV in your Unit 2: Syllabus.   Some of these you should already know from other activities...the rest we will do via lecture and videos today.   Some visual learning examples of some of these terms are below.  If you were absent today, look everything up under IV in the syllabus, understand it and have it in your notes!


- Watch and write in note the definition of a filibuster.  How do you feel about Wendy Davis' filibuster? - Elastic Clause...know what it is and why is it so controversial?  Know the Article and section!           -"advise and consent" power of Congress.  Is it right that the Senate is currently not approving President Obama's pick for Supreme Court justice?                                                                               -What is the "franking privilege" of Congress?

2. Review your Amendments and Articles quiz.   Correct your answers, then use them to answer:  What rights could have been violated in this "infamous" speech given by a high school student that got suspended?  How did the Supreme Court rule in this case?  Discuss your opinions.

3. Read and highlight key points in the steps to a bill becoming a law(#6).  These are you notes to study!  4.  Then, on the back of that flowchart handout, work with a buddy to complete the steps of this bill becoming a law.  This IS a challenge, can you do it?! 

 Discuss past test from Unit 1 and the most commonly missed questions during Acceleration

Monday, Aug 15th: Meet in lab 2202

1. Turn in your homework over pork, lobbyists and riders before the end of class today!

2.  Next, login to a computer and start your Webquest activity, "I'm Just a Bill, Sitting on Capitol Hill!".  Read all the directions first!  This includes an optional activity and due date.

Friday, Aug 12th

1. 30 pt Quiz over Preamble, Articles, and Amendments.  (you cannot use notes for this quiz)

2. Finish using the Roots and Reform textbook to answer a Scavenger Hunt about our Modern Congress.(#5)

HOMEWORK: Read and learn about obstacles to getting legislation passed, pork and riders and lobbyists...oh my!  This handout will be due Monday.

Thursday, Aug 11

Class Starter: Watch this comedy segment about one of our many idiotic Congressmen.  Does this "representative" represent you or anyone in America?

1. Finish notes on this Graphic Organizer (#4) about our Legislative Branch.   You will use slides 1-29 of this Powerpoint to transfer the info to the organizer.

2. Work with a partner, using the Roots and Reform textbook to answer a Scavenger Hunt about our Modern Congress.(#5)

Wednesday, Aug 10

Class Starter:  What changes did you catch that have been made to our Constitution with this rap song! 

1. Finish note-taking on Amendments 11-27 from the Powerpoint of all 27 Amendments.

2. Play Amendment BINGO!  Winners get Delay of Gratification incentives! 

3. Begin notes on this Graphic Organizer (#4) about our Legislative Branch.   You will use slides 1-29 of this Powerpoint to transfer the info to the organizer.

Tuesday, Aug 9

Class Starter:  This student made banner is in the Newseum in Washington, DC.  Why do YOU think it's ended up there?  Discuss your ideas.  Do you agree with the ruling in Morse v Frederick that the student's freedom of speech was NOT violated? 

1. Discuss the meaning of Articles 1-7 in more detail.   Take notes in your spiral from this Powerpoint and my lecture to help you understand the meaning of each.  Show me what you know now by completing this "Show Me What Your Know".  (you can use your notes).  Turn this in for a grade.

2.   Take notes in your spiral from the Powerpoint of The Bill of Rights (first 10) from the Powerpoint of  all 27 Amendments.   You have until FRIDAY to memorize them!  You'll be quizzed!

Monday, Aug 8

1. Turn in your Preamble re-write from this handout (#2)  Class Starter: Watch this news segment about some craziness in Alabama, then answer the Starter questions and turn in.

2. Get Unit 2: Syllabus as #1 in your new portfolio.

3. Use We The People books provided to look up the primary source document, the United States Constitution and then complete this Scavenger Hunt (#3)with a buddy.  

Friday, Aug 5

1. Go over yesterday's articles and discuss how these related to the "connection to today" questions and words you didn't know.

2. Quick Review and then take test over Unit 1. 

3. Turn in all handouts from your portfolio #1-#3 for a 30 point grade.

4. When finished, using my thesauruses (or google if you were absent), look up the circled words and re-write the US Constitution's Preamble in your own words on this handout (#2 in new notebook).


Thursday, Aug 4: TEST tomorrow over this unit.

Class Starter: Check out today's graph and answer the following prompts in your spiral: 1) What % of parents today check their social media?  2) What is the "big picture" this graph tells? 3) Why is your computer or phone a freedom that your parents restrict?

1. Go over quiz from yesterday.

2. Using your Unit 1 Syllabus   and working in small groups, circulate the Current Event Democracy news articles and write answers to question #1 and #2 on your syllabus under "Connection to Today" section. 

Wednesday, Aug 3: Turn in creative writing assignment from Monday. 

Class Starter: Explain why the NC Supreme Court overturned North Carolina's voter id law.

1. Review the American Revolution and the events leading up to our split with this Powerpoint.

2. Take Quick Quiz by filling in the blanks, using the notes you just took.

3.  Discuss your A, B, and C's from Unit 1 Syllabus (#1)  Answer only C on your own paper, making sure you understand how to write these short answers.   Turn in for a grade.

Tuesday, Aug 2

Class Starter:  Answer in your spiral:  What word would you guess is searched most on google when people ask, "Why is North Carolina so....?".   Discuss class answers and then look at the real answers here.

2. Research other types of government (#3)  in the world in pairs with your shoulder buddy.  Use ipads provided to research.   Watch what life is like a totalitarian government like North Korea today.

3.  Using this Powerpoint on Philosophies Influencing Our Government take notes in your spiral with key ideas, including those from my lecture. 

Monday, Aug 1

Class Starter: Explore this map of freedom in the world.  Answer the following prompts on scratch paper: 1) What continents are MOST free?  2) What region is LEAST free? 3) What is one conclusion you can draw from this map? 

1. Start your portfolio for this unit with the Unit 1 Syllabus (#1) .  Discuss the A, B, C's and Connection to Today sections and how those will be assessed throughout the semester.

2.  Using this Powerpoint on The Government and the People, take notes in your spiral with key ideas, including those from my lecture. 

HOMEWORK: DUE WEDNESDAY...creative writing (#2)  assignment to demonstrate your understanding of one of the principles found in our Constitution.

Friday, July 29

Meet in lab 503 to complete your Technology Job Training!

Thursday, July 28:

1. Go over homework from yesterday and discuss any questions that were difficult for you.

2.  IMPROVE YOUR NOTE-TAKING SKILLS DAY:  (you will take notes on all the activities below)

--Watch and discuss with key tips for taking notes and reasons for taking notes.  Using your note-taking notebook, demonstrate your note-taking skills as you learn about my classroom setup, which I will teach by lecture.  Also, reading for understanding is a he-yuge skill you need. 

 --Watch this video to help you learn better ways to improve your reading comprehension.   Practice your note-taking skills and jot down information related to this question as you watch him speak...What are some tips he suggests for better reading skills?

--In my class, everything you do should be your BEST EFFORT.   What is "best effort"?  Watch this awesome football play and discuss how this quarterback incorporates all the components of effort incorporates (which means, the ability to delay gratification, change direction when needed and find your motivation to achieve!)...YES, you will be tested on this definition

Wednesday, July 27: Turn in your Pre-assessment HOMEWORK!

1. Study and think about this chart on Voter Turnout by Race.  Answer the Class Starter and discuss answers as a class.

2. Continue Job Training Packet and discuss pages 7-10.   Write down answers to the "A, B, C" questions in the Learning Extension below: 

LEARNING EXTENTION:  Watch this video about delay of gratification Make sure to enhance your understanding of my "Top 4 Things Needed to Achieve Success" (on page 7) by watching and the results of the Marshmallow Experiment.  A) Why is this test such a good predictor of future success?  B) What "marshmallow" exists in your life today?

Also, reading for understanding is a he-yuge skill you need.   Watch this video to help you learn better ways to improve your reading comprehension.   C) What are some tips he suggests in the video?

3. Tell the class about YOU! Tell us one really interesting, unique or odd thing about yourself.

Tuesday, July 26

1.  Study and think about this chart on Parental Involvement and answer today's Class Starter

2. Tell the classroom about you!  I want to know WHY you are here in school.   (to understand the difference between the what and why, watch this short video)

3. Continue Job Training Packet and discuss pages 4-6.   For a great lesson on how external motivators like grades and rewards DECREASE learning and critical thinking, watch this video about the Candle Problem.  Discuss with class if YOU are more internally or externally motivated.

Monday, July 25

1.  Study the following graph found here about education and democracy, think about this information then answer this Class Starter.  Discuss your answers as a group.

2. Receive Job Training Packet and discuss pages 1-3.

3.  Tell the classroom about you!  I want to know WHY you are here in school.   (to understand the difference between the what and why, watch this short video).

* HOMEWORK!! Make sure to read the directions on this pre-assessment and turn in on WEDNESDAY.




3. Analyze the Declaration of Independence!  Use this handout (#5a)to analyze the Preamble and the Declaration of Natural Rights.   Then in pairs, review the grievances and resolution of independence by completing this similar handout (#5b).

Monday, Jan 14

1.  Take notes over Types of Governments that exist and the types of governments setup throughout the colonies.

2.  Take This quiz (#6) to show how well you understand our heritage and types of government.  You may use the notes you wrote from the Prezis to help you.

Tuesday, Jan 15

Today you will work on a creative TEST project that shows your level of understanding of the American Revolution.   Read all instructions on the handout, research what you need to on the web, and make sure you follow the rubric before submitting your product.   Due dates and found on the handout.   

Wednesday, Jan 16

1. Get English Heritage quiz back (#6) and correct your mistakes!

2. Take spiral notebook notes over the Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederations.  Use this Prezi to learn about the issues.

3. Use this Prezi about the Compromises at the Constitutional Convention to take your own notes in this Graphic Organizer note sheet (#7)


Thursday, Jan 17

1. Unit 1 American Revolution test.


3. When finished with the test, work on newest vocabulary homework (#1 in your new portfolio.)

Friday, Jan 18:   BEGIN UNIT 2.1 US Constitution: Overview and Test Remediation Questions for Unit 2.1

You will need to use the textbook on page 95 or an online text of the United States Constitution to complete this Constitution Scavenger Hunt. (#2)

Tuesday, Jan 22

1. Complete only pages 8-9 and 11 of this handout (#3) and discuss the debate about the ratification Federalists and Anti-Federalists.  

2. Go over the assignment (#2) from Friday and correct any mistakes.

Wednesday, Jan 23

Receive a copy of the newest Overview and Test Remediation Questions for Unit 2.1 The United States Constitution.   Go over test from Unit 2.1

1. Using this graphic organizer (#4), and this Prezi, take notes on the principles found in the Constitution and draw a graphic to represent each.

2.  Read and complete this handout (#5 and #6) about Powers granted to the governments.

Thursday, Jan 24

1. Spend 15 minutes on a "free write" (#7).  Read the directions!  If you were absent, YOU pick the Constitutional principle from handout #4 you want to write about.  Share stories with the class.

2. Begin learning about the Bill of Rights.   Use this Prezi to read about the first 10 Amendments and take notes on this guided notes sheet. (#8)

Friday, Jan 25

1. Finish discussing the Bill of Rights on this guided notes sheet. (#8).  Use this Prezi to help you learn each.

2. Go over TEST from Unit 1 and all work to date.

Monday, Jan 28

1.  Show your understanding of the Bill of Rights by completing this handout on possible rights violations (#9).

2. Discuss why and how your freedoms can sometimes be limited.   What we don't finish in class on this "justify your answers" handout (#10) is homework!

Tuesday, Jan 29

1.  Watch this humor video segment on the current controversy over limiting a citizen's 2nd Amendment right.

2. Discuss why and how your freedoms can sometimes be limited.   What we don't finish in class on this "justify your answers" handout (#10) is homework!

3. Read and answer the questions on this handout about the Supreme Court case "New Jersey vs. TLO" (#11) and page 2 front and back.  Use this HILARIOUS video to help you understand.

Wednesday, Jan 30

Meet in computer lab/library.   Work on this Supreme Court Webquest research project.(#12)  You can write in your answers or if you want to type it, a link is provided to the handout on the Webquest.


1. Go over the Supreme Court Webquest research project.(#12).  Need a review about Marbury vs. Madison?  Watch this video...parental guidance recommended!  VIDEO FOR LEARNING:  Dred Scott vs. Sanford, Korematsu vs. United States

2. Watch this video to understand the history of the Civil War and segregation in America.

3.  Review the Reconstruction Amendments and analyze the 14th Amendment in depth.(#13).  Use this video to help you understand the issues with these amendments.

Friday, Feb 1

1.  Now read about two of the most famous Supreme Court cases (#14) and learn about "strict" vs. "loose" interpretations of our Constitution.   After completing side 1, Plessey v. Ferguson, watch this video about Brown vs. Board of Education to help you with side 2.

2.  Read and answer questions on handout #15 about the court case Gibbons vs. Ogden.  VIDEOS FOR LEARNING:  This video is good at explaining Gibbons v Ogden! 

3. Also, complete McCullough vs. Maryland in your Court cheat sheet.  Use this video to teach yourself about the M & M case.

Monday, Feb 4

1. Take Unit 2: The Constitution exam AND turn in portfolio

2. Work on this Unit 3.1 vocabulary homework (#1) DUE WEDNESDAY for a grade.

Tuesday, Feb 5

1.  Discuss type of laws you know have been passed in our country.

2.  Watch this video clip from Jon Stewart to start thinking about Congress and what they do (or don't do).

3.  Watch Ken Burn's "The Congress" movie and complete the viewing guide (#2) with class discussion.

Wednesday, Feb 6

1.  Using your textbook and working in small groups, complete this handout on the front side (#3).

2. Take notes from the Prezi on the Federal Legislative Branch, filling in this graphic organizer (back of handout #3).

Thursday, Feb 7

1.  Using this handout about the powers given to Congress(#4), work in pairs to compete for correct answers.   As a class, we will define some of these terms after the activity.

1. Watch Schoolhouse Rock about Mr. Bill!  

2. Read and highlight key points in the steps to a bill becoming a law(#5). 

3.  Work individually to complete the steps of this bill becoming a law (#6).  Use your notes, it IS difficult!

Friday, Feb 8

1. Using this chart on Taxes (#7), and this reading (page 1) and (page 2), complete with as much detail as you need to show understanding of each tax, and level.  Also, in space below, define what a progressive and proportional tax means.

2. Complete the Venn on the back side of handout (#4) using this Prezi, instead of the textbook, to see the differences between the STATE Legislative Branch and the FEDERAL Legislative Branch.

3. Using www.indyweek.com in class, find a local or state statute or ordinance and write a half page summary on it on your own paper.   Share with the class something new you learned!  Turn in for completion grade.  If you missed this class period, find something online and do the same, turning in to me when you return.

Monday, Feb 11  (did you check www.edmodo.com for today's trivia?...winners get portfolio exemption coupons!)

TODAY: In computer labs, finish this ONE DAY part 1 activity over the Legislative Branch.  Final 3 part project (more info to come) will be due March 1st.

Tuesday, Feb 12

1. Bell Ringer:  Use your reading skills to read and understand the "stop and frisk" police policy in New York (#8).   Answer all four questions in clear, concise complete sentences.

2. Watch some videos examples to understand pork barrel spending and filibustering in the Senate.   Complete a Lesson Closure (#9)showing what you learned.   Take notes first in your spiral notebook.

Video #1:  Pork and Earmarks.  Pig out! 

Video #2: Government Waste? Tank a lot!

Video #3: What's a filibuster? 

Wednesday, Feb 13

1. Analyze a political cartoon to think about what it is saying about the power of the President.

2. Use this Prezi over the federal level of the executive branch to understand the 7 powers of the President.   Fill in details on each role in this graphic organizer (#10) (found on page 7 of the pdf file.)  Use back if you need to add more detail.

3. Begin working on "Presidential Headlines" (#11) to show your new knowledge of these 7 roles.

Thursday, Feb 14

To start to understand the Presidential Cabinet, watch this video rap!

1.  Using textbook, complete the back side of handout #11, President's Cabinet.

2. Take notes using this Prezi over the purpose of these Executive Branch Agencies. (#12)

Friday, Feb 15

1. Use the book to complete this Venn (#13) comparing the federal and state executive branches of government.   Take a quiz to assess your knowledge!

Tuesday, Feb 19

Meet in room 503 and work on Part 2: Executive Branch of your Three Branches of Government TEST PROJECT.  Don't to forget to finish and turn in Part 1

Wednesday and Thursday, Feb 20/21

1. Watch the most imformative and entertaining movie ever!!  An American President will teach you everything you still don't know about the legislative and executive branches!  Viewing guide will count for 10 extra points on your last portfolio!  Don't fall asleep!

2. Turn in NOTEBOOK!

Friday, Feb 22

1.  Begin looking into Local Governments.   Use this Prezi to complete this Venn Diagram in detail (#1 in new notebook). 

2.   Read this article (#2) about Lincoln Heights, and answer the questions that follow. 

Monday, Feb 25

1. Using textbook (or internet if you're absent), complete this Judicial Branch Scavenger Hunt handout (#3) front and back.  Use this video to help you understand more about Swann vs. Charlotte School District.

2.  HOMEWORK:  Read and answer the questions in this handout (#4), imagining you are a state Supreme Court justice.  

Tuesday, Feb 26

1. Turn in and discuss homework (#2) Lincoln Heights and #4 from yesterday,this handout.

3. Watch "Unprecendeted" documentary and complete this viewing guide (#5).   Arg!  Florida!

Wednesday, Feb 27

1.  Unit 3 Test.   Make sure you have your cheat sheet!

After test, read this handout #6.   Be curious...write one question you have after you read the handout.   Discuss as a class, the role governments play in our lives and spot examples of local, state, and federal government at work.  

Thursday and Friday, Feb 28 and March 1st!

1. Check SPAN first!  If you are not happy with Unit 3's test grade (this included any points you earned from the movie guide last week), you should TAKE INITIATIVE and download Test Remediation questions for Leg, Exec, and/or Local Gov found in FOLDERS in EDMODO!   That's your homework due BY FRIDAY next week!

2. Finish up Unit 3 TEST PROJECT.   Print and turn in all according to directions found on the website WITH your rubrics.   3 products, 3 rubrics (found on edmodo if you lost them).   All work is considered LATE after 3PM Friday, March 1st.

Part 1: Legislative Branch Facebook Page

Part 2: Executive Branch Movie Review

Part 3: Invent a City!

Monday, March 4th

1. Begin "Citizenship Unit".   Discuss ways in which what you VALUE drives your behavior.   For example, if you skip class or choose to sleep, do you REALLY value education?

2.  Guest speaker:  Miss Kim from Saving Our Sons will be in class to talk about ways we all can improve our community.

Tuesday, March 5th

1. Fill out this "What it Means to Be a Good Citizen" bell ringer.  (#7)  Discuss your answers.

2.  Using this Prezi, complete the Duties vs Responsibilities of Good Citizens (#8).   Also, answer the Essential question based on yesterday's guest speaker.


Wednesday, March 6

1. Take your best guesses on "Immigrant Fact Sheet" (#8)

2. Using this Prezi about the Naturalization process, complete the 6 steps(#8) WITH DETAILS you need to truly understand the process.  After watching the videos, in the Prezi, answer the prompt in the instructions on the "6 steps" handout on YOUR OWN PAPER!

Monday, March 25

1. Get handout (#9), which has your test remediation questions on the front and a quick quiz on the back to see how well you can figure out the following questions using a voter registration form.  Use the English voter registration form link from this website to take the quiz.

2. Discuss what you already know about political parties and ideologies.   For example, can you figure out why more Democrats voted for this new law that helps to prevent violence again women than Republicans did?  What does this tell you about ideologies of Democrats and Republicans?

3.  Use handout (#10) about Political Ideologies to fill out the spectrum, study the various ideologies and then label some political parties where they might fall on the spectrum.  If you miss class, get these notes from a reliable classmate!

4. Show me what you just learned about political ideologies by answer this completion quiz for a grade.

5. Take quick notes over the basics of political parties using this Prezi link on the back of handout #10.   Also, answer the Essential Question on the back as well, using everything you've learned today.

Tuesday, March 26

1. Collaborate in pairs to research and act out a skit for the class to explain your assigned vocab word.  In your spiral notebook, take notes over all words as your classmates teach you.

2. Watch "Street Fight" (part 1, part2, part 3) and answer questions on the viewing guide (#11)

Wednesday, March 27

1. Watch video clip of Thank You For Smoking to think about the role of lobbyists in politics.   Also watch some of the ways big special interest groups can influence politics with this ridiculous clip!

2. Using notecards, analyze this graph about financial contributions from lobbyists and write down 2 laws you think these special interest groups might want from our politicians.   Share your "requests" with the group.  If you show me you "get it", you'll earn a 4th quarter bathroom pass!

3. Ok, you aren't a lobbyists...but how can you influence politics?  Well, analyze this cartoon and what it's trying to say.  Do you agree?  Do you agree with the upcoming standardized MSL testing?  Write your state representative a letter on the stationary provided and explain why you are for or against the MSL final exam in Civics.   Remember, you need to INFLUENCE their votes with your winning argument with good factual support!

Thursday, March 28

1. Using this handout (#12) and the textbook, answer all questions given.  Notice in the directions you cannot get credit without answering in complete sentences!

2.  On the back of handout #12 (page 2 from above), you have a chart.   Watch various commercials and spot as many propaganda types as you can.   Be specific about supporting your answers.  Use this website to watch commercials..you  pick!

3. Get back mid terms.

Tuesday, April 2

Today's activity is a TEST grade for the unit on Politics!  Everything you need to know is found on this Webquest.

PSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSST! If you are interested in the Spain trip, remember, I'll be in my trailer tomorrow until 6PM for the interest meeting!  Make sure to click on the "Tell My Teacher I'm Interested" link here so I can add you to my contact list!

Wednesday, April 3

1.  Get notebook contents page and turn in portfolio tomorrow at beginning of class!  PORTFOLIO AND BENCHMARK QUIZ THURSDAY!

2.  Get Unit 6 TEST REMEDIATION questions and overview for next unit.

3.  Watch this segment from 60 Minutes about the Pioneer Hotel fire in Arizona.   Discuss as a class...why do we have laws?  What are problems with the legal system you see in the video?

4. Take your own spiral notes over the heritage of law in our country using this Prezi.   Discuss ways in which our current legal system has been affected by this heritage.  

5. Take notes over Types of Law Prezi using the blank template on page 7 of this pdf file (#1 in new notebook).   (HOMEWORK: back side of handout is for homework)

Thursday, April 4

1. Take Benchmark quiz over Politics and Citizenship!

2. Turn in Portfolio

3.  Analyze this chart about Law Enforcement agencies (#2) and complete these questions (#3) with what you've learned.

4.  Watch some EXAMPLES of various law enforcement agencies and their jobs in action:  Secret Service!  Sherriff's office!  ICE! Police!

Friday, April 5

1. Take a guess at some criminal scenarios and discuss which law enforcement agency should be involved?

2. Using this Prezi detailing the steps in civil and criminal court proceedings, take detailed notes on each step on this handout front and back. (#4)

3. Create your own storyboard of a civil or criminal case you invent!  If you show me you understand the basic steps, you can replace yesterday's quiz grade with a 100%!

Monday and Tuesday, April 8/9

1. Watch Erin Brockovich movie and complete both pages of the viewing guide (#5 in portfolio is pages 1-2 and save #6 for economics)

Wednesday, April 10


1. Review "due process" by writing as many rights you know are provided to defendents on the white board.  Include things you know the police or courts have to grant you if you are a defendant.

2. Using this Prezi about the right of the accused Supreme Court cases, complete (#7) column notes.  You have to THINK and ANALYZE these videos.

3. Read about the history of the death penalty in our country and practice literacy skills according to the directions on this handout (#8)

Thursday, April 11

1.  Follow the instructions on this vocabulary re-check handout (#9)

2. Read the article on page 9 of this pdf called "Can Our Shameful Prisons Be Reformed?".   Take notes on page 15 of the same document from what you read.  

3. Using this powerpoint about the juvenile justice system, read and take notes on this guided notes sheet. (#10)

Friday, April 12



3. When finished, look up the definition of "scarcity" and then read pages 504-505 in the textbook.

4. Using this new knowledge, on the back of your "Erin Brockovich Economic Choices" handout, tell me 3 resources that were scarce in the movie.▫List 2 trade-offs Ed had in his life.▫List 1 opportunity cost Erin had as a result of her job.


1.  Get back mid terms.

2.  Spend time discussing the right way to answer an MSL test question.   You will need to ask me for this handout, it isn't available online.

3.  Discuss what ECONOMICS means.   Discuss trade-offs, opportunity costs, and scarcity found in two real life scenarios.   First watch the trade-offs being made in the upcoming gun control vote in Congress.  

4. Then discuss the Roe vs. Wade decision.    What have we lost as a society? What have we gained.   Watch this video to help you learn more about the economics of this controversial decision. 

5. Pick one of the issues from either video.  On your own paper, as a journal entry...1.Write about the trade-offs society has to make with regards to the decision.    2. What is the opportunity cost of the decision on both sides?

6.  Meet in lab #503 tomorrow WITH headphones.

Tuesday, April 16th

1.  First, check SPAN, I've updated everything except what YOU haven't turned in yet.

2.  Next, begin here to understand what Everfi Personal Finance Certification is all about and setup your account!  Today in the lab, your goal is to COMPLETE the OVERVIEW and SAVINGS modules.   And START the Banking Module.   At a minimum in your spiral notebook, I will check for notes from guided questions.  If you need to take more notes, you should! 

To download the #2 Savings and #3 Banking notes, click here.

Wednesday, April 17th

1. Watch CNN Student News about the Boston terror attacks.

2. Read the Story of Ben and Arthur to understand compound interest.  See me for this handout. (#4)

3. Read the "Power of Plastic"(#3) and discuss your answers to the questions you need to do on page 2.

4. Read and highlight key points over the Sharing the Risks handout and the Insurance Descriptions for your notes.  Both are (#5) in your notebook.

Thursday, April 18th

1. Use this Prezi to learn about various types of savings and investment tools.  Write your notes, including advantages and disadvantages on this guided graphic organizer(#6).

2. Read and answer questions about Lemonade Itch (#7).  Why does government regulate and protect us through businesses?

Friday, April 19th

1. Use the Consumer Protection Powerpoint to take your own notes in the graphic organizer handout (#8) 

2. Use the back of handout #2 from Monday to show me what you learned by telling me what agencies would be involved in the examples.

3. Watch segments from "Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room" and discuss how this crisis was allowed to happen.  Use this viewing guide (#9) to answer questions.  Start at part 3 and finish with part 4.



1. Begin working on your Everfi modules.  If you have not yet logged in and joined our group, open this document and read through it until you find the class code and instructions to join.

My expectation is that by the end of the day Tuesday, you will have finished the first SIX modules and passed all the post assessments.  I will be logging in and checking. (this runs through "Financing Higher Education".   

You will have to work hard and focus to get through these.   The link to the minimum notes you need to take in your spiral are found here.    The sub will also provide you a handout with these same questions.

Wednesday, April 24

1. Take Cornell Notes on the following Prezi about Economic Choices and complete this sheet (#1) with the information you learn.

2. Now YOU figure out where your values lie and work on this cost/benefit chart (#2) for a small decision in your life.  

Thursday, April 25

Today is the last day we are spending in the lab for everfi work.  Make sure you finish ALL modules by May 1st so we can have a pizza party and FREE DAY!  Here's the remaining set of notes for 7-10  (1-6 are on Monday's posting)

Friday, April 26

1. Using this Prezi on the Production of Goods and Services, fill in notes on handout (#3).  

2. Fill in blanks on Costs of Production Powerpoint (#4) and then use this knowledge to complete the back of the same handout. (pg 2 of this doc)

Monday, April 29

1. Review 4 Factors of Production by working with a partner to come up with your own business and show me you understand the factors by your own examples.

2. Read the first 2 pages of this story about Jackie Robinson and answer questions on the reading guide (#5) to show you understand the way Adam Smith's believes the free market system works.

3. Using page 4 of this lesson on Economic Systems, think about the advantages and disadvantages of each type of economic systems and complete the 4 square with requested information(#6).   Use this Prezi to help you understand visually. 

Tuesday, April 30

1. Take a quiz to show you can recognize examples of the 4 economic systems.  If you miss this class, the quiz has to be made up on your own time.

2. Discuss the Circular Flow of Income in our society.   Complete handout #7 and on the back, draw your own simple model of how money moves through the 5 sectors.   The simple version was broken down in class, but if you need a refresher, watch this video and ignore all the formulas.

3. Go over Law test if time.

Wednesday, May 1

1. MSL Start Chart question.

2. Read Housing Bubble (#8) and discuss for understanding, answering the questions on page 2.

3. Use Kahn Academy's Law of Demand lecture to complete page 1 and 2 of the "Supply and Demand" notes packet.   Page 1 and 2 will be #9 in your portfolio.

Thursday, May 2

1. MSL Start Question

2. Take quiz over Law of Demand (#10)

3. Use Kahn Academy's Law of Supply lecture to complete page 3 and 4 of the "Supply and Demand" notes packet.   Page 1 and 2 will be #11 in your portfolio.

Friday, May 3

1. MSL Start Chart question.  Let's review some checks and balances humor!

2. Finish Law of Supply notes #11.

3.  Take the Show Me What You Know Quiz (#12) over Law of Supply

Monday, May 6

1. Finish up notes on Supply and Demand Market Equilibrium (#13) comes from pages 5 and 6 of the full notes

2. Work on the back of the notes page, to show understanding of market shifts on the supply and demand curve.

3. HOMEWORK WEDNESDAY:  Show full understanding in handout #14...Gasoline supply and demand.


Tuesday, May 7

1. MSL Question Prompt

2. Watch "Is Wal-Mart Good for America?" and answer the viewing guide.  This is #2 in the new portfolio.  Discuss why COMPETITION is a good thing in a free market.

3. Begin note-taking on Globalization and Competition (#3).  Use this Powerpoint and your brain to find the answers you need.

Wednesday, May 8

1. MSL Practice question

2. Begin discussing globalization.   Finish notes on Globalization and Competition (#3).  Use this Powerpoint and your brain to find the answers you need.  And watch this WTF! video about what happens when a monopoly controls the market!

3.  Finish "Is Wal-Mart Good for America?" and answer the viewing guide. (#2) 

4. Why are so many people against globalization? Discuss the pros and cons.

5. If time, watch this wackadoo video about what can happen to a free market heavily controlled in a command economic system.  WTF?

Thursday, May 9

1. Take the Economic Choices TEST and turn in your portfolio for that unit.

2.  Journal a half page about positives and negatives that could occur if schools and classrooms were more competitive.  For example, all grades are known to students at all times.

Friday, May 10

1. MSL Test Practice

2. Watch Duck Tales about inflation and complete viewing guide (#3).

3. Have a dramatic reading from the "Story of Banks" comic book and complete the reading guide (#4).  For a great video about how banks create money from thin air, watch this simplistic explanation.



Work on Economic Indicator projects.  You must understand all these fully!